Jason X (VID)


For ages, Old Earth has been a polluted planet that has been left to rot and decay, with ferocious storms, toxic land masses, and deadly oceans. Humans have returned to the dangerous location from which they had previously left, but this time not to live, but rather to examine the corroded relics of long-dead civilizations. The teenage explorers who have just arrived on Old Earth face a far more immediate danger: their own inexperience. It's Friday the 13th for them, and Jason is still alive!

They chose to keep the Freddy vs. Jason series current by putting together a fresh entry in a hurry while New Line Cinema was in a here rush. In order to avoid tampering with the chronology, they put it a long distance into the future. Even within the movie's events, the chronology is messed up, but that's not what most people are upset about here. It's Jason in space, for real.

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